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Shimizu Kôshô (1911-1999) & Yasuhiro Okuda (1920-1999)(Karugayaki)
Set of 6 bushô chawan, tea bowls - Fuji and Longevity (congratulations!)
Signed: Seventy seven Kôshô
Technique: Kagurayaki, stoneware from the Kagura kiln, with a decoration of iron oxide and cobalt blue with grey glaze and a cloudy white slip. Ø 11,8 x 10,7
Date: January 3rd 1988
Box: signed
Condition: fine

Box inscription outside:「印」公照 七十七寿盤  六 神楽窯
[seal:] Kôshô, Nanajûnana Kotobuki ban (bowls for long life (77 congratulations) 6 [pieces] Kagurayô (oven)
神楽窯 塩肖  七十七寿盤 昭和六十三年一月三日 東大寺之 七十七寿翁公照「印」東大長□、公照
(oven) [ chawan] enshô ( seasoned resemblance) nanajûnana Kotobuki (Congratulations 77)
Tôdaiji no nanajûnana ju okina Kôshô [seal:] Tôdai chô.., ˚Kôshô

Yasuhiro was born in Shigaraki, Koka District, Shiga Prefecture
in 1942 he studied under Living National Treasure Shoji Hamada ()1894-1978) and in 1943 under Master Kanjiro Kawai (1890-1966). In 1949 he entered the Tamba Tachikui kiln and made efforts to revive it and in 1953 he jointly invested with Mr. Sadayoshi Shimizu of Maruhachi Potter. Professor Bernard Leach visits the kiln in 1956.
In 1959 he built a kiln in Yakushuyama, Urata-cho, Ise City and another in 1971 at the foot of Mt. Asama

Price: EUR 1,000 / USD 1,100