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Noro Kaiseki (1747-1828)
Landscape after Wu Zhen
Signed: Meidaoren kuge mata nori no Kaiseki Ryû* (Kaiseki copied style and painting of Meidaoren, Wu Zhen 呉鎮 (1280-1354), the famous Yuan schilder )
Seals: Kaiseki Ryû Ryûnen uji in
Technique: sumi on paper 123,8 x 27,8
Mounting: beige damask 196 x 40,6
Condition: very good

*Kaiseki Ryû copied the poem and the style of Meidaoren, Wu Zhen (1280-1354), the famous Yuan painter.

Rain stopped falling, the dense forrest steams and trees drip
Wind rises and in the nights the empty pavillon is cold near the window
For a long time the hermit leans on the banister his thoughts reflecting and flow
For the first time he realizes how long the pleasures while being in the mountains last.

Unlike most of his literati colleagues Kaiseki was well-to-do and could afford the best teachers.

At the age of 21 he moved to Kyoto and studied for three years with Taiga (1723-76). They became good friends. After his return to his native Wakayama in 1793 to serve the daimyô as the supervisor of sake brewing, which later was extended to the supervision of the production of copper, sugar cane and timber.
During his travels he met a lot of famous literati throughout the country and became friendly with the circle of Rai San’yô (1780-1832).

Wakayama 2009
Rosenfield ‘99, B. 67
Cahill p. 48
Roberts p. 64
Araki pp. 378-381